Wednesday 11 November 2015

A new beginning

                                                            Every 31st of December, people troops out of churches and mosques greeting and hugging each other and indeed complementing each other after appreciating God for the gift of life, they have in their mind the belief that old things have passed away and indeed new things are up to life, I reminisce about the past and tried to figure out what the difference is between the old ways and this new beginning, though, the Dictionary defines new beginning as recently starting something that is different from what has been existing in the past, but I felt something different, looking at the difference between yesterday and today which made me realize that the only difference that exists is alphabetical, it is the spelling that differentiate the two, we slept and woke up yesterday and the cycle will continue today with all other things being equal.
Aside the spelling, another thing that differentiates the old times and the new beginning is the mindset, what lives in our heart, what idea did we used yesterday and plan do we have for the future, certainly, the plan and idea used yesterday, if not completely different must have a slight modification, this which confirms the difference between the old times and the new beginning.
After appreciating God for the gift of life bestowed on us in the years past, we need to gather effort in forging ahead in the new year, we need to dust the old ideas, polish the ideas that failed while setting out last year and project a scale of preference for the activities that has been or that would be lined up for the new year.
Starting new year or new project means starting afresh, though some part of us may seemed rigid but the fact remains that the effort must be put in place to make sure that this time around, a strong difference is noticed in all our activities, one should have in himself a bunch of fears, you need to be reminded that the future may not be as appealing as the past, that new year will be a field full of thorns that if necessary care is not taken would leave on one a lasting wound that may discourage one from moving ahead, these pre-thought happening that have been put in place was not to restrain you from stepping forward but they are just there to remind you that today may be better than tomorrow and vice versa.
When Adeolu, an average student that just finished his secondary school was leaving home for university, his parents told him that perfection is a child of repetition that if he could change his mindset from average to exceptional and master everything that have been taught in class, read it and repeat it consistently he would frenetically rise from being trial in class to being what any student could have dreamt of, days passed and with great effort, at the end of the first session in school, Adeolu made 4.90 out of the maximum of 5.0 cumulative point average, another student that finished her secondary school in flying colour, she has the ability and prowess to excel in university after getting admission but because of her prowess forget to draw plan out for her new endeavor, she thought she could main her usual stand as always but the story changed not because she is not as brilliant as before but this happened because the plan for the new beginning was not in place.

It is necessary to be happy when starting something new but planning well will make one happier as you move through the endeavor.

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